As the UK government convenes its AI Safety Summit at Bletchley Park focusing on frontier AI, Ofilms are excited to announce the launch of our Guide to AI in Event Production.
The AI Safety Summit, the first in a series of 3 planned meetings, focuses on how to best manage the risks from the most recent advances in AI.
While the Bletchley Park summit draws together leading international figures to discuss key risks linked to General Frontier AI and dangerous narrow AI capabilities, our report looks at a number of questions posed by AI in the area of event production such as: Is it safe to use AI on events? How can event organisers and managers leverage the power of AI to increase efficiency and enhance attendee experience? What are the ethical considerations when using AI tools in event production?
In our report we explore what AI is, what you should consider when starting to use AI in event production, look at some of the ways that AI is already making a difference to event organisers, managers and producers and explore some of the ethical considerations when integrating AI tools.
Who are Ofilms?
ofilms capture moments and connect people through the power of technology
With our cutting-edge production services, we enable seamless engagement between organisers, speakers, and delegates. Whether you’re planning an in-person, virtual, or hybrid meeting, event, or experience we have the technology and know-how to connect you with the people who matter.
Read more about Event Production from Ofilms